Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fiber Optic Technician Career Outlook

Education and training
Many companies offer training in the workplace to graduates who have a strong background in mathematics and physics. Technical and community colleges offer field programs. The armed forces also offer training on the installation and operation of the laser. There are also online training courses on optical fibers backed by fiber optic associations and which can lead to certification. As in all technological fields, the technician must be ready to continue learning.

The initial salary for a fiber optic technician is around $ 18,000 per year. It can quickly increase to around $ 40,000, but since the field is in growth mode, it is difficult to predict what fiber technician salary will be in five to ten years.

A trillion bits per second?
A billion bits (information units) per second is an exceptional tube. It is mainly long distance traffic that generally crosses the United States telephone network. It is the equivalent of 10 million voice telephone circuits. A billion-bit fiber could carry hundreds of thousands of standard TV channels. This is what fiber optic developers indicate.
What else is in the future? Networks that route signals by wavelength or color. Chicago could be purple, Cincinnati orange, Pittsburgh green. The continents will be color-coded, as will the nations within the continents and the cities within the nations. Rainbows of light will spread around the world faster than anyone can blink.

Outlook :
There is currently a shortage of fiber optic technicians and job prospects are excellent for the next five years or so. Today, the work is mainly focused on electronics and telecommunications, but many manufacturing companies are converting to laser systems, so the labor market will expand in the coming years. Only the opportunities for fiber optic technology in medicine, aviation and other forms of transport were mentioned.

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